The Painboy sadly feels alot more niche now. The boyz are most definitely back, they made a ridiculous number of attacks in melee, and being able to shoot their sluggas into melee was very nice.

I’m sad they didn’t get to do much damage, but they allowed everything else to get some work done. The Dreads soaked up a ton of damage and really just served as a screen so the rest of the force could get across the board. The Killa Kanz were without a doubt my MVPs with how they took out the Prince and the Helbrute. This was my second 8th edition game and first with my Orks. In 7th I ran lots of bikers and boyz in trukks, so I purposely ran a completely different list because I wanted to see how the changes to hordes were working and how Walkers would do in this edition. Meanwhile, the Daemon Prince and Sorcerer used their dark arts to tear at the Deff Dread in the lead of the mob, followed by the force of the Obliterators Fleshmetal Guns blasting off chunks of the Dread’s armor. As they broke from the ruins and entered the main street, the Deff Dreads made a vain attempt to shoot at the Obliterators that came into sight across the field.Ĭhaos followed by deep striking terminators into the ruins above the advancing Dreads, while the Heldrake flew over and let loose a torrent of flame that managed to slay some of the slowest and weakest of the mob. Forces which were entrenched within the upper levels of the city’s ruins.

Zagbad’s warband started hidden within the ruins on their side of the board, and spent turn one moving and advancing towards the board center, and closer to the forces of Chaos on the battlefield’s opposite edge. Chaos Terminator w/ Combi-bolter and Chainfist.Chaos Terminator w/ Combi-flamer and Power Fist.2 x Chaos Terminator w/ Combi-bolter and Power Fist.Terminator Champion w/ Combi-flamer and Chainfist.Sorcerer in Terminator Armor w/ Force Axe and Lightning Claw.Helbrute w/ Multi-melta and Power Scourge.Daemon Prince of Nurgle w/ Daemonic Axe and Warp Bolter.2 x Deff Dread w/ two Big Shootas and 2 Dread Klaws.2 x 29 Boyz w/ Slugga & Choppa and 1 Boss Nob w/ Power Klaw and Slugga.Painboy w/ Power Klaw and ‘Urty Syringe.Warboss w/ Power Klaw and Kustom Shoota.We set up on a four by four board and ran a Cities of Death style mission between my Orks, and Kal’s Chaos. In celebration of the official release of 8 th edition, we decided to throw together a quick game today at 60 power. Unbeknownst to him, Chaos too searches the ruins for some unknown prize. In the ruins of a former Imperial world on the edge of the great Warp rift known to the Orks as Mork’s Grin, the warband of Zagbad Tankkrusher searches for an ancient power source, a task set to him by his master Warboss Gorzag Shadbrac.